Those who enjoy my insanity..........

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Royal Gorge day trip

Yes, I'll admit it, I've been gone a lot and haven't even thought about blogging over summer break. I'm sorry!

I just thought I would stop in and say hi to everyone! I then noticed that I'm LOSING followers. Ooohh dear, I had better get myself back into the blogging world, and quick. Easier said than done, because now the "summer feeling" is fading with the kids back in school and I'm working two jobs, meaning I don't have much time for leisurely stuff!

The summer flew by so fast and we did a lot of stuff with the kids. It really was a lot of fun and I was way bummed when the last week of summer break came to an end. As our end of vacation "mini vacation" we decided to go to the Royal Gorge with great grandpa. It took us 2 hours to drive there but it was well worth it. It was beautiful! We took the train that went thru the canyon alongside the Arkansas river. I had never been (on a train or to the Gorge) so it was even an adventure for me. Actually, I think the hubby and I enjoyed it the most! Here are some picture to share with you!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Colorado Renaissance Festival

So this post is a little late. We went to the Renaissance festival about 2 weeks ago.

It had been ages since going and I thought it would be fun to take the kids,now that they're older and more manageable!

We kings and queens, turkey legs and sausage on a stick. There was so much more but the prices are a little ridiculous.We did have a lot of fun walking around, playing some games and people watching but the best part (according to the kids) was watching the jousting tournament. Jax couldnt understand that it was only pretend, he thought that the poor knight was really dead after having his throat slit! This is the perfect place to people watch, LOL, every walk of life shows up there.

You have the die hard mid evil lovers who dress up in ancient clothes. You have the ones that have this weird thing with Pirates (I dont think these were in the same era? Were they?) and then you had the gothic/Conan the barbarian ones......she was actually really pretty and I had to have a picture of her, but the guys that were with

We shopped, even though I had no money to buy and even if I did....I dont think I would spend the money on half of the stuff!

This is the Kings horse, he had a mustache! Not the king....the horse. Look closely!!
Entertainment galore! This weird guy was the bell player. As strange as he was, he played some beautiful music!
This duo did awesome juggling and acrobatic tricks. The kids were amazed, so that's all that counts.
The belly dancer was amazing. If I could only move my body like that!

All in all it was a fun day! We will go again next year but take a lot more money with us. It definitely wasnt a "take $25 and that should be good" type of trip :)


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